To help you better understand your financial needs or assess your current investment and retirement strategies, we post a weekly blog. We hope you find these retirement and financial insight blogs helpful.
Vancouver, Washington is located across the river from Portland, OR in the heart of the Pacific Northwest (“PNW”), making it an ideal location for retirees. With its breathtaking scenery and vibrant outdoor lifestyle, Vancouver attracts those seeking adventure. Along with its appealing environment, the city boasts tax-friendly benefits and a high quality of life. Tax…
A target-date fund is an investing tool, often in the form of an ETF or mutual fund, that adjusts its investment strategy based on how much time there is until the target date. The investments are strategized for long-term growth when you are further away from the target date and strategized for wealth preservation the…
The year 1983 saw the release of some of the most iconic and timeless songs in music history. From pop to rock to new wave, this year had something for everyone. If you are headed into retirement and thinking about setting up a playlist of songs from when you were younger to celebrate, this list…
In most cases, you can’t actually keep your money in your retirement accounts forever. Even if you don’t need the money from your retirement accounts, many of them will require you to begin withdrawing from them when you are 73 years old.[1] This is called a required minimum distribution (often shortened to RMD). More specifically,…
If you are aging and unsure about your options for in-home care as you get older, this article is for you. We’ll also cover the pros and cons of hiring help through an agency and doing it yourself. The most important thing to understand is the basics. If you are a home-bound individual or have…

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