To help you better understand your financial needs or assess your current investment and retirement strategies, we post a weekly blog. We hope you find these retirement and financial insight blogs helpful.

Tax Tips for Married Couples Harlow Wealth Management
Tax Tips for Married Couples
April 24, 2023 | ,

Even as tax season winds down, it’s still important that you consider tax strategy as part of your financial picture. Many couples file jointly, and while it can sometimes help save on your taxes, it isn’t always the best option in each case! Here are some important factors to consider if you are filing taxes…

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What to Look Forward to in Retirement Harlow Wealth Management Vancouver, WA
What to Look Forward to in Retirement
April 21, 2023 |

Retirement is a time to relax, reflect, and pursue personal interests that were set aside during one’s working years. Engaging in hobbies is a great way to stay active, learn new skills, and meet new people. For those entering retirement, there are many hobbies to consider that are both fulfilling and enjoyable. One popular hobby…

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What if 1 Million Dollars Isn't Enough to Retire? Harlow Wealth Management
What if 1 Million Dollars Isn’t Enough to Retire?
April 17, 2023 | ,

If you are headed toward retirement soon, or you have just retired, you may find yourself wondering, “Is my nest egg enough?” It’s a common question and one that causes a lot of people a lot of reasonable anxiety. Because retirement finances are much more about prediction than they are about facts and assurances, it…

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The Value of Doing Something in Retirement Harlow Wealth Management
The Value of Doing Something in Retirement
April 14, 2023 | ,

When you enter retirement, your first action may likely be to take advantage of the ability to do nothing. From your hammock swinging in the warm sun or cozy chair in front of the fireplace, you might be smiling, sipping your coffee, thinking, “I’m finally done with that nearly life-long daily grind.” But the bliss…

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Exploring The Difference Between an Investment and an Expense Harlow Wealth Management
Exploring The Difference Between an Investment and an Expense
April 12, 2023 |

In theory, the definitions of an investment or an expense are quite clear-cut. An expense, or cost, is simply the dispensing of time, money, or resources. An investment, while an expenditure, comes with the expectation of a return.[1][2] While the two ultimately have the same goal –to acquire a good or service—their intentions and outcomes…

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